A LITTLE LOCK SHOP — Locksmith in Winnipeg

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Locksmith at 953 Nairn Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0Y1, Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2L 0Y1 . Here you will find detailed information about A LITTLE LOCK SHOP: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Thursday
    9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Friday
    9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Sunday


Based on 3 reviews


953 Nairn Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0Y1, Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2L 0Y1
R2L 0Y1

Photo gallery

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  • A LITTLE LOCK SHOP road map
  • A LITTLE LOCK SHOP satellite image


A LITTLE LOCK SHOP is a UK Locksmith based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A LITTLE LOCK SHOP is located at 953 Nairn Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0Y1, Canada,

Please contact A LITTLE LOCK SHOP using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find A LITTLE LOCK SHOP opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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  • Grace
    Added 2014.10.03
    One of the WORST experiences ever!! My father in law died and the lawyer informed us to get his door re-keyed, so my brother in law called Little Lock Shop. The guy told my brother in law he would be there the next day between 9-930 am and quoted him at $80. The next day my brother in law shows up early but the locksmith doesn't show up until 12:20 PM! He had tried to call him MANY times with no answer. My brother in law was 3 hours late for work as a result. No apology was given. Then after he is done the work, he tells my brother in law it will be $160 - double the amount he had quoted over the phone!!! He paid him $100 and told him he would come drop off the balance owing at 11 am the next day because that was all he had on him because he had been told it would only be $80. Then he notices that the locksmith Damaged the door during the install!!!!!! So my brother goes there the next day to pay the locksmith and the locksmith is not there. Even though he told him that he would be there to pay him at 11 am. Then my brother gets a threatening phone call saying that - it would be a shame if someone removed the lock while no one was there. WHO DOES THAT????? My brother was nothing but nice to this guy, even though he was Late, dishonest about his quote, damaged the door, then threatens to come steal the lock off the door because he wasn’t available to accept payment when he was told a specific time he would be paid!!!! So then my husband calls him and says look, you did a job, we will pay you what we owe, can you come meet me so I can pay you and you can look and see what can be done about the damage to the door. Again, all very polite. So the locksmith shows up to meet my husband and the guy is nothing but rude, argues with my husband, denies that he did the damage, but then after arguing for almost 20 minutes, he admits that YES, he damaged the lock! My husband kept asking and pleading, how can we fix the door, I need to get the door fixed, how can it be fixed, already knowing this guy had No intention of repairing the damage that he had caused. So then the locksmith starts taking the lock off the door. My husband thought maybe he was going to fix the damage, but no! He takes the lock, gets in his vehicle and drives away!!!!! Leaving my husband with no way of locking the door!! As if it wasn't hard enough to have a death in the family, now were dealing with this!!! WORST person we have ever dealt with, I have NO idea how this guy stays in business, such an awful and dishonest person. ZERO customer service! We are very upset.
  • Ryan
    Added 2013.11.04
    Friendly atmosphere with that 'it looks like someone really works around here', with a wide selection of keys hung on the wall, with a bunch of different key cutting machines, small work area with great gobs of LOCK parts and specialized equipment close at hand. The locksmith knows his stuff, and can help you with a LOCK problem even over the phone. Often, you hear someone say, '' if he can't fix it, no one can''.
  • Cooper
    Added 2013.07.23
    They never open on time.
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